Theatre that Climbs Mountains – Dialogue between Sunaina Panthy and Julia Varley

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Theatre that Climbs Mountains – Dialogue between Sunaina Panthy and Julia Varley

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→Theatre that Climbs Mountains – Dialogue between Sunaina Panthy (Nepal) and Julia Varley
Webinar in English with simultaneous translation into Italian. Participation is free of charge,
attendees’ registration is required at the following link:
The meeting will be based on Sunaina’s testimony regarding her active commitment to comunity theater and theatre aimed children. Thanks to the projection of various potoghraphs of performances in the village of Nepal, the various forms of expressive arts existing in those places will also be discussed. Sunaina’s work, in addition to focusign on drama education, expressive art and creative activities for children, aims to strengthen the presence of women within community, promote good mentale health and create awareness on various social issues.
Julia and Sunaina met fort the firts time when Sunaina visited Denmark to partecipate in an Odin Week Festival which took place in June 2016. Now they collaborate for the pubblication of an issue of The OPen Page on the theme “Theatre – Women – Memory”.
Sunaina Panthy is a theatre practitioner from Nepal, focusing on social, educational, and community-based themes. With over 10 years of experience, Sunaina uses methods like black box and community theatre. She is inspired by how live performances help address Nepal’s social, cultural, and mental health issues, blending new theatrical ideas and expressive arts into her work. Currently, she is preparing a play about the interaction between a Buddhist monk and an ordinary Nepali woman, set to be produced in 2025.


Date: January 15
18:00 - 20:00
Event Category:


Fondazione Barba Varley ETS