Drammaturgie: Winter School Metis 2025 directed by Eugenio Barba and Julia Varley
→Drammaturgies: Winter School Metis 2025 directed by Eugenio Barba and Julia Varley Teachers: Prof. Valentina Venturini and Dr. Raffaella Di Tizio
The METIS Winter School aims to develop new relationships between theory and practice, academia and theatre, tradition and fashion through intensive stays in which teachers, students, artists and artisans share other types of transmission between generations and knowledge.
The METIS 2025 Winter School, will analyze the technical procedures, the ways of telling, the stratagems to stimulate the perception of spectators and to intensify the narrative. It will try to describe the paths and effects of creative imagination from the first sparks in the invisible space of the mind to the result perceptible to others.
Info: raffaella.ditizio@uniroma3.it