Our Itinerant Centres


Madrid Itinerant Centre
at Residui Teatro

Residui Teatro produces and disseminates performances, training activities and socio-cultural projects aimed at an audience of all ages and health conditions.

The Madrid Itinerant Centre will be responsible for carrying out joint programmes aimed at research, promotion and dissemination of Third Theatre.

Sede Avana Barba Varley Fondazione


Havana Itinerant Centre
at the Biblioteca Nacional

at the Biblioteca Nacional Promotion of cultural exchanges in the field of theatre research.

The Fondazione has donated 100 copies of the book The Five Continents of Theatre. Facts and Legends about the Material Culture of the Actor of the Actor by Eugenio Barba and Nicola Savarese,

Sede Avana Barba Varley Fondazione


Lake Como Itinerant Centre
at the Scuola di Teatroterapia

Managed by the Politeama Association, the Teatroterapia School publishes books, produces performances and carries out training and research connected to the theatre’s function in psychophysical well-being.

It promotes theatre excursions and socio-cultural projects aimed at an audience of all ages.

Scuola di Teatroterapia

Itinerant Centre Milan

at CETEC (Centro Europeo Teatro e Carcere)

The European Theatre and Prison Centre carries out projects of social theatre art in Italian and foreign prisons; it promotes urban and human regeneration projects on the periphery of Milan and elsewhere; it deals with the training and inclusion of disadvantaged subjects and their artistic productions in collaboration with public and private institutions.

It manages the Spazio Alda Merini – Casa delle Arti in via Magolfa in Milan, a property offered for free by the Municipality of Milan-Municipio 6. It functions also as a cultural centre and home museum dedicated to the poet Alda Merini. It is open from Tuesday to Sunday and is a venue for poetry readings, theatre performances, book presentations, concerts, and the work reinstatement of women in a fragile situation for the management of the space, bar and outdoor garden.

sede milano

Itinerant Centre in Colombia

at Teatro Taller

Teatro Taller de Colombia has been successfully carrying out its activity for 47 years in the field of theatre research, with programmes of considerable interest in social fields. The group and its project conduct training activities for professional actors and facilitate access to culture for people living in peripherical neighbourhoods and vulnerable areas of the country.

Teatro Taller de Colombia has started the project “Reaching the vulnerable people of Bogotà through theatre. Theatre for all”. This is an initiative aimed at creating cultural dynamics that mainly benefit people in situations of socio-cultural vulnerability and with reduced access to the use of artistic products.

This action consists in encouraging the participation in playful-didactic moments with performances for children and teenagers who, led by a teacher, subsequently develop pedagogical guides prepared by the TTC team.


Theater Anthropology Center en Argentina

CATA was born from the desire to be spokesperson for the Barba Varley Foundation in Argentina, sharing a vision of theater aimed at promoting the causes and values of a tradition of the impossible.

CATA joins the Foundation’s objectives: to enhance meetings and exchanges between groups, individuals and territories in a context of interaction, creation of alliances and production collaborations.

CATA is a pedagogical space, of gestation and creation, an artistic space and a space for publications.

CATA is a space in alliance with other spaces, dedicated primarily not to the theatrical performance but to the creation of an environment of possibilities where many times the “nameless” can pass from invisibility to visibility and build networks of solidarity that they materialize in artistic and cultural projects.


Theater Proskenion

Theater Proskenion Proskenion was founded in 1989 in Reggio Calabria.

Proskenion has collaborated with ISTA (International School of Theatre Anthropology) since 1995 for the development of the Eurasian Theater University.

In fact, Proskenion has coordinated and carried out the annual sessions of the University, founded and directed by Eugenio Barba from 1996 to 2010.

Proskenion deals with dramaturgy, the art of oral storytelling, masks and improvisation. Has promoted and coordinated several social theater projects.

From 2018 Proskenion started the theatrical residency with four editions of “Il Corpo il Scenico” and the project for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers “Borgo Narrante”.

In 2021, together with Lines Free, Proskenion has organized the session of the ISTA/ng in Favignana directed by Eugenio Barba.

Germany (Berlino/Messingwerk)

Itinerant Centre "Institut für Neue Soziale Plastik"

The Institute for a New Social Sculpture is a collaboration of artists and historians who come from the long traditions of group theatre and feminism.

With our artistic and cultural work we aim to contribute to the growth of human rights and to the fight against antisemitism. We make theatre, write texts, develop games and exhibitions – because, in the end, the human being enjoys communicating and understanding things on different levels. And because we have fun.

At the moment we are developing a new space in Messingwerk, at an hour North of Berlin, in order to provide a space for the voices of Jewish artists, and artists of other marginalized groups.


Itinerant Centre Fabrica Athens

The Institute for a New Social Sculpture is a collaboration of artists and historians who come from the long traditions of group theatre and feminism.

With our artistic and cultural work we aim to contribute to the growth of human rights and to the fight against antisemitism.

We make theatre, write texts, develop games and exhibitions – because, in the end, the human being enjoys communicating and understanding things on different levels. And because we have fun.

At the moment we are developing a new space in Messingwerk, at an hour North of Berlin, in order to provide a space for the voices of Jewish artists, and artists of other marginalized groups.


Itinerant Centre K.T.M. Killthemuseum

K.T.M. Killthemuseum was founded by a historical nucleus of activists who have been carrying out social and cultural activities in Umbria since 1977. K.T.M. deals with a theater that we define as “social interaction”.

Our group is part of the social promotion associations of the Umbria Region and the U.I.L.T. Italian Union Free Theatre.

KTM has promoted the project of creative residencies, training centers and the dissemination of theatrical culture.


Itinerant Centre TTB Teatro tascabile di Bergamo

Accademia delle forme sceniche was founded in 1973 by Renzo Vescovi (1941-2005) on the path opened by Jerzy Grotowski’s Teatr-Laboratorium, Eugenio Barba’s Odin Teatret.

The names Teatro tascabile di Bergamo and Accademia delle Forme Sceniche reflect the two faces of the TTB: on the one hand the perfomances and the commitment in the Bergamo area, on the other the pedagogy and rigorous research on the multiple techniques of the actor’s art.


Theatre Degart

Theater Degart was born from the passion and experience in the field of live entertainment of Daniele Segalin and Graziana Parisi. Both are experts and scholars of comic art.

The founding of Theater Degart was driven by their desire to create a cultural enterprise that brings back the vitality and importance of theater to society, fostering the formation of new audiences and offering unique and engaging human artistic experiences.


Teatro dell'applauso

The Center of ARTS Teatro dell’Applauso is based in Guidonia Montecelio (RM), and is directed by the Teatro dell’Applauso APS.

The Centre’s activities are many: theater and performing arts courses and workshops for professionals and amateurs, music and dance theater courses and workshops, but also expressive arts education for children and educational workshops and shows aimed at schools of all order and degree, as well as, always for Scholastic Institutes, PCTO projects.

In the field of therapeutic arts, the center is at the forefront with courses of Theater Therapy and Social Theatre, conducted by highly qualified professionals.


Teatro Potlach

The “Teatro Potlach” is a laboratory theatre for theatrical research and experimentation, founded in 1976 and which has its organizational headquarters in Fara Sabina at the ancient Santa Maria del Soccorso convent.

The “Teatro Potlach” works on the technical essence of theatre, on research of the total actor and dramatic composition based on physical action.

The development of research on pedagogy, composition and space of action has produced from 1991 to today numerous implementations of the “Invisible Cities” project, in which the intervention of the Teatro Potlach has mobilized artists and communities of urban centers in Europe, in America and Asia.


QU.EM. quintelemento a.p.s

QU.EM. quintelemento a.p.s. is a theater company that deals with video-theatrical experimentation, at the Centro Culturale Next.

The main objective is to achieve a fusion between theatrical language and cinematographic techniques; a different and innovative way of practicing artistic experimentation.


Officina Teatro LMC

Officina Teatro LMC is a theatrical research and experimentation group founded in 2011 by the director Enzo Caputo and made up of musicians, painters, dancers, actors and directors.

Officina Teatro LMC is based in Erice (Trapani) and holds theater training workshops, concerts and theater seasons in one of the few cities in the world that does not have a theater.


CompagniAurea APS

The Compagnia Aurea, founded in 2012, is a group that promotes theatrical training and the valorization of the arts in Puglia.

The activities of the Compagnia Aurea are aimed in particular at young people with the aim of promoting the exchange of experiences between groups, individuals and territories.


Associazione TheatriKos APS

The TheatriKos APS Association – Theatre, Arts, Cultures, Holistic Disciplines, with the theater company of the same name, was born in 1993 in Milan, from an artistic project of the directors, its founders Patrizia Tedesco and Aniello Ciaramella. TheatriKos APS Association creates numerous perfomances and theatrical projects with associations committed to protecting the rights of women and immigrants.