Floating islands - a living archive about eugenio barba, odin teatret and the third theatre

Three simultaneous fields of cultural action to be implemented in phases

1. Memory as cognitive heritage – Archive of historical documentation on Eugenio Barba, Odin Teatret, theatre as a laboratory and barter, the International School of Theatre Anthropology/New Generation (ISTA/NG), the Eurasian Theatre, The Magdalena Project (network of women in theatre) and on the parallel culture of the Third Theatre (theatre groups). It also includes Eugenio Barba’s personal library. Available to scholars, Students and interested people.

2. Transmission as sharing – Processing and development of documents and other material in the Living Archive. It is a project of professional training and dissemination of knowledge through courses, collaborations with the itinerant centres of the Fondazione Barba Varley, other institutions and universities and sessions of the International School of Theatre Anthropology/New Generation (ISTA/NG). It also includes the publication of books and the “JTA – Journal of Theatre Anthropology” with free digital access as well as the realization of didacticl films on theatre anthropology and actor/dancer techniques. This phase of enhancement of the historical memory implies the growth of a catalyst-environment of specialists (Living Archive) in connection with an international network of artists, scholars and younger generations of cultural activists.

3. Transformation as a creative act – Metamorphosis of documents and objects from the Living Archive into an artistic visual/auditory language. The materials kept in the Living Archive together with elements such as sets, props and costumes from Odin Teatret’s performances find new life through installations and art exhibitions. With the title FLOATING ISLANDS, an interactive and participatory path in the “memory” is created, enabling the visitor to experience in various ways the history, travels, techniques and artistic objectives of Eugenio Barba, the Odin Teatret actors and the groups of the Third Theatre which contributed to changing the culture of theatre after 1968.